Books and Things…
Oh the classics.
Now I have not read many, but I did just read…
Jane Eyre
There were moments I loved it, moments my mind wandered (this means I got a little bored), but overall it was great and the ending I just adored.
But I loved Jane.
I loved her strength, loyalty, integrity, love, ability to forgive, passion, and diligence.
Basically I want to be Jane….she is amazing! Her life was constantly turned upside down with disappointment and heartbreak but she always faced life with such perseverance. So thank you Jane Eyre for reminding me what I want to be every day!

Now as I said, Jane Eyre is one of the classics…and I do hope to read more in the future! I have stumbled upon these amazing books,from Coralie Bickford-Smith, on so many blogs and am just obsessed.Could they be any more lovely, fun, and just plain pretty?? So I have decided I will buy them one at a time and not purchase a new one till that one is read…so the collection will come to me in pieces…but it WILL come :)
Now get out there and read some penguin classics!
You can find these ones here

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